Financial 2.0 – Manually Create Bills to Pay

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As we promised, the second stage of the financial feature is ready

Now you can manually create bills to pay on the financial tab!

Go to admin, click on bills and add new bill.

Captura de Tela 2017-02-17 às 13.08.22


Also, you can now delete bills even if a quote has already been set as SOLD.

Delete, create a new one, or simply edit it inside the Opportunity. 

Captura de Tela 2017-02-17 às 13.08.50


Financial reports!! They look awesome!! You can create and export to excel. Have a look…

Captura de Tela 2017-02-17 às 13.07.43

Yes, we rearranged the left side menu. No worries, it is all there, just a little bit more organized.

Next step, NEW QUOTE ONLINE!!! Coming soon…


Ricardo Lemos – CEO
