How long can you wait for a price list update?

How long can you wait for a price list update

One of our biggest differentials since the beginning is our database of Schools. It´s by far the biggest catalog of School´s prices available in the market, as well as third party providers.

It has grown fast and consistently, thanks to our clients. We have transformed the way companies collaborate to build something magnificent.

Some might say that not having a 3rd-party data entry team is a huge advantage, but hey, human beings are behind most of data entry in the world. The difference here is that we have a dedicated team willing to upload as many schools as necessary to see our clients satisfied, and the most incredible thing is, we are all working together. That is right, it’s a smart and collaborative platform of uploading courses. No one wants to see an incorrect or out of date price list, don´t you agree?

If you think that Schools are going to take responsibility if something goes wrong just because they are doing themselves! Think twice, because they won´t. It is up to all of us to make it happen.


As an education agency, you need to worry about selling and taking care of your precious leads.

As a school, you spend a lot of time managing processes. Let us take care of prices and communication for you!

Lets connect, grow and collaborate to foment the International Travel Education Industry together.  Sign up for a free trial today!